Cookies policy

On this website, third-party and own cookies are used to ensure that you have a better browsing experience, you can share content on social networks and so that we can obtain user statistics.

You can prevent the download of cookies through your browser settings, preventing cookies from being stored on your device.

As the owner of this website, I inform you that we do not use any personal information from cookies, we only make general statistics of visits that do not involve any personal information.

It is very important that you read this cookie policy and understand that if you continue browsing, we will consider that you accept their use. 

According to the terms included in article 22.2 of Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, if you continue browsing, you will be giving your consent for the use of the aforementioned mechanisms.

Responsible Entity

The entity responsible for the collection, processing and use of your personal data, in the sense established by the Personal Data Protection Law, is the Colombian Campaign Against Mines page, property of – .

What are cookies?

Cookies are a set of data that a server deposits in the user's browser to collect standard Internet registration information and information on the behavior of visitors to a website. In other words, they are small text files that are stored on the computer's hard drive and that serve to identify the user when they connect to the website again. Its purpose is to record the user's visit and store certain information. Its use is common and frequent on the web since it allows pages to function more efficiently and achieve greater customization and analysis of user behavior.

What types of cookies exist?

The cookies used on our website are session and third-party, and allow us to store and access information related to the language, the type of browser used, and other general characteristics predefined by the user, as well as to follow and analyze the activity. that it carries out, in order to introduce improvements and provide our services in a more efficient and personalized way.

Cookies, depending on their permanence, can be divided into session or permanent cookies. Those that expire when the user closes the browser. Those that expire depending on when the objective for which they are used is fulfilled (for example, so that the user remains identified in the services of ) or when they are manually deleted.







From Third Parties (Google Analytics)

2 years

It is used to distinguish users and sessions.

Not Exempt


From Third Parties (Google Analytics)

30 minutes

Used to determine new sessions or visits

Not Exempt


From Third Parties (Google Analytics)

At the end of the session

Configured for use with Urchin

Not Exempt


From Third Parties (Google Analytics)

6 months

Stores the origin or the campaign that explains how the user has reached the web page

Not Exempt

Additionally, depending on their objective, cookies can be classified as follows:

performance cookies

This type of Cookie remembers your preferences for tools found in the Services, so you don't have to reconfigure the Service each time you visit. By way of example, this typology includes: Volume adjustments for video or sound players. Video transmission speeds that are supported by your browser. Items stored in the "shopping cart" in e-commerce services such as stores.

Geo-location cookies

These cookies are used to find out what country you are in when you request a service. This cookie is completely anonymous, and is only used to help target content to your location.

Log cookies

Registration cookies are generated once the user has registered or has subsequently opened their session, and they are used to identify them in the services with the following objectives:

Keeping the user identified so that, if they close a service, the browser or the computer and at another time or another day enter said service again, they will continue to be identified, thus facilitating browsing without having to identify themselves again. This functionality can be suppressed if the user clicks on the [log out] functionality, so that this cookie is deleted and the next time the user enters the service, the user will have to log in to be identified.

Check if the user is authorized to access certain services, for example, to participate in a contest.

Additionally, some services may use connectors with social networks such as Facebook or Twitter. When the user registers in a service with social network credentials, they authorize the social network to save a persistent Cookie that remembers their identity and guarantees access to the services until it expires. The user can delete this Cookie and revoke access to services through social networks by updating their preferences in the specific social network.

Analytics cookies

Cada vez que un usuario visita un servicio, una herramienta de un proveedor externo genera una cookie analítica en el ordenador del usuario. Esta cookie que sólo se genera en la visita, servirá en próximas visitas a los servicios de para identificar de forma anónima al visitante. Los objetivos principales que se persiguen son:

Permitir la identificación anónima de los usuarios navegantes a través de la cookie (identifica navegadores y dispositivos, no personas) y por lo tanto la contabilización aproximada del número de visitantes y su tendencia en el tiempo.
Identificar de forma anónima los contenidos más visitados y por lo tanto más atractivos para los usuarios Saber si el usuario que está accediendo es nuevo o repite visita.

Importante: Salvo que el usuario decida registrarse en un servicio de , la cookie nunca irá asociada a ningún dato de carácter personal que pueda identificarle. Dichas cookies sólo serán utilizadas con propósitos estadísticos que ayuden a la optimización de la experiencia de los usuarios en el sitio.

Cookies de publicidad

This type of cookies allows the information of the advertisements shown to each anonymous user in the services to be expanded. Among others, the duration or frequency of display of advertising positions, the interaction with them, or the browsing patterns and/or user behaviors are stored, since they help to form a profile of advertising interest. In this way, they allow offering advertising related to the interests of the user.

Third party advertising cookies

In addition to the advertising managed by the websites in their services, the websites offer their advertisers the option of serving ads through third parties (“Ad-Servers”). In this way, these third parties can store cookies sent from the services from the users' browsers, as well as access the data stored in them.

The companies that generate these cookies have their own privacy policies. Currently, the websites use the Doubleclick (Google) platform to manage these services. For more information, go to and

How can I disable cookies in my browser?

The different browsers can be configured to notify the user of the reception of cookies and, if desired, prevent their installation on the computer. Likewise, the user can review in his browser what cookies he has installed and what is the expiration period of the same, being able to delete them.

For more information, consult the instructions and manuals of your browser:

For more information about cookie management in Google Chrome:

For more information about managing cookies in Internet Explorer:

For more information about managing cookies in Mozilla Firefox:

For more information about managing cookies in Safari:

For more information about managing cookies in Opera:

If you want to stop being tracked by Google Analytics visit:

To know more about cookies

Protección de datos de Google Analytics:

Cómo usa Google Analytics las cookies:

Updates and changes in the privacy policy / cookies

The websites can modify this Cookies Policy based on legislative or regulatory requirements, or with the purpose of adapting said policy to the instructions issued by the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, therefore users are advised to visit it periodically.

When significant changes occur in this Cookies Policy, these will be communicated to users either through the web or via email to registered users